
Showing posts from July 11, 2010

Install Not compatible Program XP di win 7 Starter Pack Xp Mode

Jika bro/sis pengen install software XP yang tidak compatible dengan win7, tinggal pake Xp ModeXP Mode bisa diunduh di link : MI***SOFT htp:// tapi Xp mode ini hanya bisa bekerja pada win7 profesional keatas Nah masalahnya kalau kita pake Win7 (Starter Pack / Basic) Xp Mode tidak bisa digunakan. Tapi klo bro pengen ngejalanin program XP yang tidak kompatible di Win7 basic/starter tips-nya: 1. Matikan UAC (User Account Control) Setting , caranya buka CONTROL PANEL>USER ACCOUNTS klik "Change User Account user Setting" lalu geser Slider Always Notify ke bawah menjadi Never notify kemudian Restart PC. Fungsinya biar win7 memperbolehkan akses software xp yang akan diinstall 2. Install software xp yang akan diinstall jangan menggunakan Auto Run, tapi cari file installer-nya, klik kanan & klik Run As Administrator 3. Setelah proses installasi selesai, cari file execute (exe) yang sudah diinstall bi...

5 Writing Habits For Great Marketing Brochures

Writing for brochure printing may sound easy, but to tell the truth, it is not. You have to be “particular” with your writing habits when you print brochures. Brochure printing requires writing styles and techniques that are short, detailed but impact oriented. Do not worry though, this kind of skill is easily learned with the right kind of foundation. In this guide, I will teach you the essential writing habits for composing great marketing brochures. Follow these habits precisely and your writing should become better for brochure printing. 1. Writing concisely and shortly. The first essential habit in writing for color brochures are to write in a way that is short and concise. A brochure is not a booklet or a novella. Basically you have a limited amount of space to explain your important marketing messages and details to readers. So you have to practice the habit of writing short, concise but very detailed information that readers need. Usually you will need to cut do...

Spyware, Spyware protection, Anti Spyware

Spyware is a type of malware that is different from the computer virus in terms of construction and activities. Spywares do not replicate itself or infect other computers that come into contact with an infected computer. It is software that will send your private and sensitive information to the cyber criminals and you will have lots of problems and your computer will show many abnormal behaviors. You get strange popup that have nothing to do with the page you have accessed, or you get a different home page, and you did nothing to change it. Other threats are more subtle, but they are the most dangerous of all. Spyware can be used to track your personal information. The reason why they install spyware is that free software is the best way that software companies can infect your machine with spyware. They are the number one cause of spyware because so many people install them on their machines, without even thinking that they could be harmful. Spywares are spread throug...