
Showing posts from April 15, 2007

Becoming a Topnotch Salesman

Becoming a Topnotch Salesman The industrial revolution is long over. Now, it is the world of business. In this age where there is so much competition in the market, it is very difficult to market a quality product or service. For a company to survive its product does not just need to be the best in the market, it should also be marketed by the best salesmen on the field. To be successful, you need to adjust your marketing strategies regularly to keep up. However, you do not need to worry. With the following tips, you’ll be armed with everything you need to transform yourself into a top notch salesman. By being a top notch sales man, making a sale will be very easy for you. First rule: a customer’s “No” is never final. Don’t believe your customers when they say “No” the first time, but don’t argue with them. One of the most effective sales strategies is to find a common ground with the customer that you can agree with. Unfortunately, most of the time, customers have this natural habit t...


BE INSPIRED! Is this familiar? You wake up in the morning and you feel like getting back to sleep again. Work, family life and everything seems to move like a merry-go-round. You feel trapped in a routine. Nothing’s new anymore and you’re bored to tears. ‘Been there, done that” flows out as your mantra. If you said ‘yes’ to any of these, then you need to get back on track. You need to be inspired at life again. So how do you find that spark? • Relax and have fun. Medically, psychologically, physically and emotionally, stress is the number one source of life’s difficulties. Reacting to them is draining your energy. Easing up allows you to slow down enough to view the world differently. Turn to your family – see how you’re kids have grown; talk to your partner about simple topics; call the relatives you’ve lost track off; send your Mom flowers. These little things will count a lot into making you view them in a different light. Pretty soon, you’ll remember how important they are in your...

Achieving the Impossible

Achieving the Impossible Believe When anyone tells you that something is impossible what is your response? Not only your outward reaction, what are your inner thoughts? Do you accept it and go on thinking to yourself, "Yeah! It’s probably too hard too…" or "They’re right. That could never work." Or do you just passively go on with your existence never to give it another thought? Well listen. S T O P thinking that way. Before you achieve anything that you think may be even a little difficult, you must – repeat – YOU MUST own the belief that it is not only possible, it is probable. Then, owning that belief, ask yourself some very focused questions. Questions: • What do I want? • What is the first step I should take to be one step closer to achieve what I am after? • Who can clear up any lack of knowledge that I need to achieve this? • What is my plan to get from Point A to Point B? The most important objective to achieve anything on this planet (or out of this world)...

5 Ways to Become More Likeable

5 Ways to Become More Likeable Man is a social animal, as Aristotle once said. This want and need to belong and be accepted by others is what drives us to be civil toward others. In fact, there might be times when we want nothing but to see our intimidators get run over by a bus (yikes!) but we choose to endure the pressure and react in an amiable manner in order to merit niceties, as well. In order to achieve this kind of response from everyone we meet, we must strive to be likeable. Now, likeability does not always entail that people will throw a party every time you come into the room. A person can be likeable yet not grandstanding. You don't really have to be popular to be one. All you need to do is adjust your attitude and outlook in life toward the positive. When you feel good about yourself and always look at the bright side of things, your likeability factor will naturally rise. Here are five ways to become more likeable in any situation. 1) Think happy thoughts According t...

5 Baby Steps in Overcoming Shyness

5 Baby Steps in Overcoming Shyness So you are shy ... but then, who isn’t? In fact, everyone is shy. It is just that some people are good in masking what they are feeling and not let others know that they are shy. However, too much shyness could be detrimental to your social life. Here are some steps to help you overcome your shyness. These steps will allow you to come out of your shell at your own pace and at your own will. Overcoming shyness need not be forced upon you by anybody. 1. Know thyself The best perspective is from the inside out when compared to looking from the outside in. Remember, you know yourself best. As much as possible, be honest with yourself and find out the reason for your shyness. For instance, are you particularly scared on how people will react to anything you say or do? Are you anxious with your physical appearance? Take note that there are reasons why you react the way you do on specific situations. Find out the reasons. Maybe these can help you kn...