
Showing posts from April 22, 2007

Handling Change Gracefully

Handling Change Gracefully Change can either be good or bad; but in whatever form it takes, there’s only one reason why change occurs – it is to set aside the past and look ahead to the future. Although leaving your comfort zone is a tough thing to do, there is always a way for you to move forward and meet these changes successfully. Acceptance . You have to realize that change is inevitable and no matter how hard you try to run away from it, things eventually happen if they are destined to happen. It is true that the only thing that is constant is change, so always be flexible. Admitting that change is already happening or just actually happened is hard but denying it will not make things easier. Look on the Brighter Side . View change as an avenue for growth. You may not like the transformation at first but most likely, you will get used to it soon. Be optimistic and keep your head up high. Who knows what is in store for you?...

Visualization as a Key to Happiness

Visualization as a Key to Happiness Visualization is an essential tool used by millions of successful businessmen and professionals all over the world to help them achieve their goals. Visualization however cannot only bring success to your business but happiness to your life, as well. Learn How to Visualize Your Happiness Using visualization to help you gain happiness is a gradual process, so don’t expect to learn it overnight. Be patient and don’t skip to the next step if you haven’t mastered the previous one. What is Happiness to You? Ask yourself this question first and be honest with your answer. What is happiness to you? Material and external happiness is easy to achieve once you’ve developed a plan, but you might realize later on these things don’t make you truly happy. Happiness comes from within. Genuine happiness is born from intrinsic goals, and it’s important that you determine those first before trying to visualize your future happiness. Wha...

Wireless LAN FAQ

Wireless LAN FAQ Di manakah sebaiknya saya menempatkan Base Station? Base station biasanya diletakkan di tempat yang tinggi, yang memungkinkan dapat terjangkau dari pelanggan. Bisa berupa rooftop dari gedung tinggi, ataupun tower. Perangkat apa saja yang dibutuhkan di Base Station? Pada dasarnya, perangkat wireless di base station di bagi dua, yaitu perangkat point to point sebagai backhaul, dan perangkat lainnya untuk melayani pelanggan. Perangkat backhaul tidak dibutuhkan jika Anda memiliki akses internet ke BTS via kabel ataupun media lain. Untuk access pointnya sendiri, biasanya menggunakan antenna yang dapat melayani area yang cukup lebar. Bisa berupa omnidirectional antenna, ataupun antenna sectoral. Omnidirectional antenna dapat menjangkau 360 derajat, sedangkan antenna sectoral hanya dapat menjangkau 90 hingga 120 derajat, sehingga dibutuhkan 3 hingga 4 antenna, termasuk juga access pointnya. Berapa client yang dapat terkoneksi ke base station? Secara teori, perangkat wirele...

Penggunaan IPSec untuk Abacus

Penggunaan IPSec untuk Abacus / ip ipsec policy add src-address=[your ip address]/32:any dst-address= protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=[ip router] sa-dst-address= proposal=abacus manual-sa=none dont-fragment=clear disabled=no / ip ipsec peer add address= secret="[secret key nya di sini]" generate-policy=yes exchange-mode=main send-initial-contact=yes proposal-check=obey hash-algorithm=md5 enc-algorithm=des dh-group=modp768 lifetime=1d lifebytes=0 disabled=no / ip ipsec proposal add name="abacus" auth-algorithms=md5 enc-algorithms=des lifetime=1d lifebytes=0 pfs-group=none disabled=no

Mikrotik Wireless Bridge

Setting Mikrotik Wireless Bridge Kategori: Tips & Trik Sering kali, kita ingin menggunakan Mikrotik Wireless untuk solusi point to point dengan mode jaringan bridge (bukan routing). Namun, Mikrotik RouterOS sendiri didesain bekerja dengan sangat baik pada mode routing. Kita perlu melakukan beberapa hal supaya link wireless kita bisa bekerja untuk mode bridge. Mode bridge memungkinkan network yang satu tergabung dengan network di sisi satunya secara transparan, tanpa perlu melalui routing, sehingga mesin yang ada di network yang satu bisa memiliki IP Address yang berada dalam 1 subnet yang sama dengan sisi lainnya. Namun, jika jaringan wireless kita sudah cukup besar, mode bridge ini akan membuat traffic wireless meningkat, mengingat akan ada banyak traffic broadcast dari network yang satu ke network lainnya. Untuk jaringan yang sudah cukup besar, saya menyarankan penggunaan mode routing. Berikut ini adalah diagram network yang akan kita set. Konfigurasi Pada Ac...

Memisahkan Routing dan Bandwidth Management

BGP-Peer, Memisahkan Routing dan Bandwidth Management Kategori: Fitur & Penggunaan Dalam artikel ini, akan dibahas cara untuk melakukan BGP-Peer ke BGP Router Mikrotik Indonesia untuk melakukan pemisahan gateway untuk koneksi internet internasional dan OpenIXP (NICE). Setelah pemisahan koneksi ini dilakukan, selanjutnya akan dibuat queue untuk tiap klien, yang bisa membatasi penggunaan untuk bandwidth internasional dan OpenIXP (NICE). Beberapa asumsi yang akan dipakai untuk kasus kali ini adalah : Router memiliki 3 buah interface, yang masing-masing terhubung ke gateway internasional, gateway OpenIXP (NICE), dan ke network klien. Untuk koneksi ke OpenIXP (NICE), router milik Anda harus memiliki IP publik. Untuk klien, akan menggunakan IP private, sehingga akan dilakukan NAT (network address translation) Mikrotik RouterOS Anda menggunakan versi 2.9.39 atau yang lebih baru, dan mengaktifkan paket routing-test Jika Anda menghadapi kondisi yang tidak sesuai dengan pa...

Memisah Bandwidth Lokal dan Internasional

Artikel Simple Queue, Memisah Bandwidth Lokal dan Internasional Kategori: Fitur & Penggunaan Selama mengelola Mikrotik Indonesia, banyak sekali muncul pertanyaan bagaimana cara melakukan pemisahan queue untuk trafik internet internasional dan trafik ke internet Indonesia (OpenIXP dan IIX). Di internet sebetulnya sudah ada beberapa website yang menampilkan cara pemisahan ini, tapi kami akan coba menampilkan kembali sesederhana mungkin supaya mudah diikuti. Pada artikel ini, kami mengasumsikan bahwa: Router Mikrotik melakukan Masquerading / src-nat untuk client. Client menggunakan IP privat. Gateway yang digunakan hanya satu, baik untuk trafik internasional maupun IIX. Pada Mikrotik tidak diletakkan web-proxy, baik secara transparan maupun tidak transparan. Jika ada parameter di atas yang berbeda dengan kondisi Anda di lapangan, maka konfigurasi yang ada di artikel ini harus Anda modifikasi sesuai dengan konfigurasi network Anda. Pengaturan Dasar Berikut ini a...

Queue dengan SRC-NAT dan WEB-PROXY

Queue dengan SRC-NAT dan WEB-PROXY Kategori: Tips & Trik Pada penggunaan queue (bandwidth limiter), penentuan CHAIN pada MENGLE sangat menentukan jalannya sebuah rule. Jika kita memasang SRC-NAT dan WEB-PROXY pada mesin yang sama, sering kali agak sulit untuk membuat rule QUEUE yang sempurna. Penjelasan detail mengenai pemilihan CHAIN, dapat dilihat pada manual Mikrotik di sini . Percobaan yang dilakukan menggunakan sebuah PC dengan Mikrotik RouterOS versi 2.9.28. Pada mesin tersebut, digunakan 2 buah interface, satu untuk gateway yang dinamai PUBLIC dan satu lagi untuk jaringan lokal yang dinamai LAN. [admin@instaler] > in pr Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running # NAME TYPE RX-RATE TX-RATE MTU 0 R public ether 0 0 1500 1 R lan wlan 0 0 1500 Dan berikut ini adalah IP Address yang digunakan. Subnet adalah subnet gateway untuk mesin ini. [admin@instaler] > ip ad p...


Leaders and Intuition Are you a leader in your organization? Are you an instigator of change or a catalyst in your family circle, school, church or institution? Does your work entail initiating change? Do you want to make a difference? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, then you are a leader! Being a leader is about being a decision-maker and problem-solver. When you are bombarded with decisions or choices, what are your first thoughts? What are the initial ideas that come into your mind? When problems arise or when opportunities come, what ideas first pop in your head? Can you rely on your intuition? You may not know it but you have intuitive powers. All you have to do is to unleash these. Get acquainted with the power within. Here are some sources of intuition: 1. Emotions. Has this ever happened to you? Sometimes a decision that you made in a matter of seconds is more reliable than a well-thought out decision! Wha...

Power through People

Power through People Have you come across a naturally friendly person? Put him in a room of strangers and he will be a friend to almost everyone in no time! We call such individual a people-person. He is unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can charm anyone into doing anything. A socially empowered person achieves greatness because of the people who catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of people whom he had helped before. He can do anything with the plethora of people behind him. All because he knows how to maximize his social potential! If you develop social skills, you will achieve self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is similar to doing a general overhaul in your life. This will turn your self into a happier and more successful person. If you can be one of those persons, then there wouldn’t be any reason why you will not succeed. You just have to know how to start. Here are some steps: 1. Be genuine. Be genuinely nice and i...


Developing Your Persuasion Skills There are people who never cease to amaze us. They have charisma that makes you believe just about whatever they say. These people have learned the art of persuasion. This skill is something that you definitely want to have yourself. Persuasive skills are important for an individual who wants to aim for self-improvement. This is a skill that can definitely improve the way you relate to other people. This can even come more handy to people engaged in the field of sales or public relations. Most people think attending personality development classes to make the change they want. That may work for some, but the important thing is you decide right here and now you will make the definite change. The best thing to do is to develop your persuasion skills now! Effective Ways to Develop Your Persuasion Skills Consider these techniques in becoming more persuasive and you will surely go at great lengths. Most of these utilize...


CLIMBING UP THE CAREER LADDER: Know What to Do in a Business Meeting The business world has its own set of protocols to guide you to success. A business meeting is one of its aspects that can bring out the best and worst in your corporate persona. From product presentations to negotiating accounts receivables, a simple meeting is like being the star in a Broadway play. Every action you make will have an impact into your proposal. Consequently, you will be evaluated and judged all in one sitting. So how do you become a master in this corporate ‘song-and-dance’? Be prepared. Not only do you have to know your material inside out but you have to anticipate their reaction to it. Make notes ahead on the possible questions the other side would have. Bring all the possible material that you might need to refer to. On the day of the presentation, take pains in your appearance. Aim to blend with the company’s corporate image – formal for banks, insur...

Brain Enhancement

Brain Enhancement Techniques for a Better You Some people are born geniuses; fortunate enough to have the capacity create great ideas and contribute in this world during their lifetime. You have that same potential. You don’t need be an Einstein or a Mozart to realize your potential. You just have to be able to maximize your intellectual potential. There is a skill called brain enhancement. Enhancing your brainpower will definitely allow you to do more things and make you more efficient. What Can Brain Enhancement Do to You? For one thing, solving problems will be easier. You also learn and discover things faster than you ordinarily do. It also improves the way you regard yourself and the way you relate to others. Definitely, enhancing the powers of your brain is one thing to aim for. How to Enhance Your Brain There are many ways how you can improve your brain skills. Here are some of the things that will give you the desired results in your mental...

5 Ways to Become More Likeable

5 Ways to Become More Likeable Man is a social animal, as Aristotle once said. This want and need to belong and be accepted by others is what drives us to be civil toward others. In fact, there might be times when we want nothing but to see our intimidators get run over by a bus (yikes!) but we choose to endure the pressure and react in an amiable manner in order to merit niceties, as well. In order to achieve this kind of response from everyone we meet, we must strive to be likeable. Now, likeability does not always entail that people will throw a party every time you come into the room. A person can be likeable yet not grandstanding. You don't really have to be popular to be one. All you need to do is adjust your attitude and outlook in life toward the positive. When you feel good about yourself and always look at the bright side of things, your likeability factor will naturally rise. Here are five ways to become more likeable in any situation. 1) Think h...