5 Writing Habits For Great Marketing Brochures

Writing for brochure printing may sound easy, but to tell the truth, it is not. You have to be “particular” with your writing habits when you print brochures. Brochure printing requires writing styles and techniques that are short, detailed but impact oriented. Do not worry though, this kind of skill is easily learned with the right kind of foundation. In this guide, I will teach you the essential writing habits for composing great marketing brochures. Follow these habits precisely and your writing should become better for brochure printing.

1. Writing concisely and shortly. The first essential habit in writing for color brochures are to write in a way that is short and concise. A brochure is not a booklet or a novella. Basically you have a limited amount of space to explain your important marketing messages and details to readers. So you have to practice the habit of writing short, concise but very detailed information that readers need. Usually you will need to cut down on allusions, stories and long winded examples. You just need the bare facts and the short artistic prose that you need to make it sound great. No more and no less.

2. Using key power words for impact. Another essential writing habit for brochure printing is the use of power words. There are several powerful words in the English language that gets people to look at and even respond to your brochure content. Words like “You”, “Save”, “Money, “New” and “Love” are the top five examples of such words. There are some general power words like this for most brochures, while there are other specific power words for your specific market or industry. Use these words on your brochure headlines and sub headlines to make your content more engaging and interesting to your readers. This is a great habit to adopt to add more chances of success with your color brochures.

3. Writing for memory. Another important writing habit in brochure printing is focused on memory. Since brochures are a “quick read” for most people, you have to write in a way that is easily remembered even in that quick time. Hence, it is good to format and write your content in terms of lists, sections and general chunks of information that people can easily understand and remember. Do ordered and unordered lists if possible, and try to add in some pneumonic devices such as acronym reminders to make sure people remember something out of your brochure content. Trust me, this goes a long way in making your color brochures really impact the readers, so try and do this when possible.

4. Target oriented writing style. It is also an essential writing habit to be target oriented when writing for print brochures. In most instances, you should have a target market or audience with your brochures. By trying to write in a style that is more appropriate and attractive for that audience, you can get more responses from your color brochures. So try to learn about your market. Know their “language” and interests and write in a way that matches that. With brochures that are written in their own style, those target markets should be more attracted and engaged with the color brochure.

5. Detail and completeness. Finally, it is also essential to always write all the important details completely in brochure printing. You will not want to give the readers an incomplete picture of what your marketing message is. So it is an essential habit always be complete with all the things you need to say. It is only natural to do this since it is your responsibility to give the whole message to readers.

So those are the essential writing habits for composing great brochures. Take note of all of these and making great content should be easy enough for you.


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