
Showing posts from April 4, 2010

Me-Reset Printer Epson C90 dan Epson C110

Secara garis besar langkah me-reset C90 dan C110 sama, hanya beda pada merubah date saja. I. Langkah-langkah me-reset Epson C90: a. Pastikan printer sudah terhubung ke komputer, hidupkan printer. b. Ekstrak resetter C90. c. Masuk ke folder resetter_epson_c90 . Jalankan reset.bat , rubah date menjadi 10/07/2007 . d. Minimize command prompt reset.bat tersebut. e. Jalankan “AdjProg.exe”. f. Klik “Accept”. g. Klik “Particular adjustment mode”. h. Lalu pilih Waste Ink pad Counter à OK. i. Klik tombol “Check”, tunggu sampai proses selesai. j. Klik tombol “Initialization” kemudian klik “Finish”. k. Matikan printer, lalu hidupkan kembali. l. Setelah reset berhasil, kembali ke command prompt reset.bat . Kembalikan date seperti semula. m. Untuk memastikan printer C90 sudah normal, lakukan test print. II. Langkah-langkah me-reset Epson C110: a. Pastikan printer sudah terhubung ke komputer, hidupkan printer. b. Ekstrak resetter C110. c. Masuk ke folder resetter_epson_c110 . Ja...

Corel Designer Technical Suite X4

                                    Corel Designer Technical Suite X4 | 500 MB Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite X4 is the trusted choice for businesses that need to effectively communicate the strengths of their products and services through clear, informative technical illustrations or diagrams. From operation guides and parts catalogs, to schematics, wiring diagrams, assembly instructions, maintenance manuals and architectural presentations, this complete suite allows organizations of any size to create powerful technical graphics?fast! What?s Included: * Corel DESIGNER X4 * Corel PHOTO-PAINT? X4 * Corel? PowerTRACE? X4 * Corel CAPTURE? X4 * Right Hemisphere? Deep Exploration? 5.7 CSE * Printed User Guide New Features: * Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Support * New! Corel? P...