
Showing posts from October 26, 2008

Mempercepat Booting XP

1. Buka notepad nya >>click start >>run >>notepad.exe 2. Ketik Ini di notepad tadi ( del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q ) 3. Save as file tesebut dengan nama ( ntosboot.bat ) dan disimpan di direktori C:\ 4. Click start >>run >>gpedit.msc 5. Double click " Windows Settings " trus pilih " Computer Configuration " dan double click lagi pilih " Shutdown " 6. Click Add trus masukan file ntosboot.bat yang di simpan tadi di Drive C:\ lalu click apply>> click ok>> exit 7. Sekarang Coba Restart kamputer. 8. Sekian

File Terhiden virus

>Attrib *.* -s -h -r /s /d Kalo cuman buat ngeliat ada file yang hidden aja sih gw pake dir /a:h atau dir /a:s kalau dilakukan pada drive C berpotensi menghancurkan sistem keamanan dari sistem operasi. Switch -s berarti melepaskan attribut file system pada file2 yang bersangkutan ......... hasilnya semua file2 system yang tadinya tidak terlihat dan tdk dapat dihapus, dengan perintah ini akan terlihat dan tidak terkunci/dapat dihapus. attrib +r +s +h ntldr, attrib +s +h boot.ini, dst.

20 tool to clean your computer

your computer is suddenly menenunju performance longer in does the task and more evoke problem. next tool that can help you clean existing rubbishes there. to 20 files under this will make pc you will thanked to you. 1. pc decrapifier: you buy pc bew from computer store, and you hope pc clear of all stain? wrong! ! you usually will find many, " craplets" , they will slowen performance pc you. pc decraptifier automatically will throw away" crap" exist in your new computer. but don't too will hope that he will clean all, there's only several specifics" crap" and trialware that membuangnya from your new computer, like quickbooks trial, wild tangent gamete, dell url assistant and still many again. 2. dedaulus system cleaner: if you look for simple system cleaner, easy to do basic cleaning, you are unnecessary takes money for that. this program can clean temp files and trace from internet use, find file duplication, and justify registry error. 3. ...

Cara Mengenal Kapasitas Hardisk

Biasanya setiap Hardisk memiliki stiker yang menjelaskan informasi Cylinder - Head - Sector (CHS) contoh: CHS: 3305-16-63 Cylinder : 3305 Head : 16 Sector : 63 Maka Kapasitas Hardisk (rumus)adalah Cylinder x Head x Sector / 512 [512 Byte = 1 sector] jadi kapasitas hardisk diatas adalah : = 3305 x 16 x 63 /512 = 1.705.697.280 Byte kita jadikan ke Megabyte brarti di bagi 1.000 = 1.705 Mbyte = 1.7 Gbyte