USB encryption, encrypted flash drive, USB boot drive, Linux flash drive , USB protection

USB flash drive is basically an EEPROM that means "Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory".A USB drive is a plug and play storage device. It can be used in place of a CD or a zip drive disk. It uses flash memory and is very lightweight. It is a removable drive by computer. Custom USB Flash drives does not require rebooting after it's attached, does not require batteries or an external power supply, and is not platform dependent.

Flash drives are great for storing files, but did you know you can run portable applications from flash drives as well. A free business suite, OpenOffice includes a word processing program, a PowerPoint application, a spreadsheet program and even a database and there is a portable version. Firefox, Opera and Thunderbird all have portable versions of their web browsers that can be downloaded and run from your flash drive. With the combination of programs like OpenOffice and Firefox, you have the ability to work, write, create, and surf the web all in the pocket of your pants

Even the biggest USB flash drive can be smaller than most people's thumbs. Since we carry these devices to numerous locations, there is a fairly good chance that we will eventually lose them. If this should happen, most of us simply hope there was nothing sensitive on the drive. However, that is not the only thing you can do. There are some basic USB flash drive security measures available.

UBS thumb drives normally don't require drivers. But with few old operating systems like Windows 98 and Windows 95, you need drivers that are provided by the manufacturer. Latest OS consider USB drives as USB Mass storage devices and have built in support for these drive. This means that you don't need any drivers, you just plug in the drive and start using it.

The down side to drives that use encryption is that some of them only perform this encryption in software that results in lower performance on the drive when encryption is enabled. Few manufacturers use a hardware based engine capable of encrypting and decrypting files at a higher speed to prevent performance penalties when you access a secure partition that's using encryption.

USB flash drive security is still in its infancy, since these drives aren't routinely used by people with a need to secure their data. As they become more widespread and the need for security increases, expect flash drive security options to increase as well. For now, partitioning and encrypting are the major options available, though.


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