20 tool to clean your computer

your computer is suddenly menenunju performance longer in does the task and more evoke problem. next tool that can help you clean existing rubbishes there. to 20 files under this will make pc you will thanked to you.

1. pc decrapifier: you buy pc bew from computer store, and you hope pc clear of all stain? wrong! ! you usually will find many, " craplets" , they will slowen performance pc you. pc decraptifier automatically will throw away" crap" exist in your new computer. but don't too will hope that he will clean all, there's only several specifics" crap" and trialware that membuangnya from your new computer, like quickbooks trial, wild tangent gamete, dell url assistant and still many again.

2. dedaulus system cleaner: if you look for simple system cleaner, easy to do basic cleaning, you are unnecessary takes money for that. this program can clean temp files and trace from internet use, find file duplication, and justify registry error.

3. tuneup utilities 2007: this program is awarded 40 but has all kinds completions that need to a clean-up tool. he does duties likes: throw away file is not wanted, clean up and meng-optimize registry, and still many again.

4. winsettings pros: cleaner system price all-in-one this 50 but he is equiped with a few fitur addition. he can find junk file, duplicate file, and internet history, he also can clean cookie existing.

5. super utilities: this a cleaner all-in-one tool other to clean and optimize pc you. surplus from tool kit this him has registry cleaner, defragmentation tool, fitur antispyware and there 27 another addition functions. you can try it to 30 days, afterwards if you agree that this product good to bought, the price 60.

6. magic utilities: this tool has five different functions to cleans pc you. first, to kill program at the (time) of start up, second, to uninstall software, third, to find junk in hard drive you and let you that decide to throw away it, fourth to find spilled file, and fifth to is deciding process that is walking. bothing that special in this software, only ease penggunaa that be the superiority. the registration price 40.

7. autoruns: this tool equips you with information. if you detect which software automatically walk at the (time) of logarithm in, you conclusive which you require and which not.

8. security task manager: if pc you are trailing, you certain has too much program that walk at the (time) of same, and a lot certain it not you know. with windows task your manager will detect what is walking, and give you are details explanation whereof seedang happen.

9. duplicate music files finder: you have menyk full of mp3 or another music file? if yes, you are big possibility has also file mp3 double. look for file same may be enough throw away time, because you may be has file equal to different name. by means of this you will get livelihood more specific with will compare file size, crc check, and id3 (mp3 meta data) to help you look for file that has duplicate

10. easy duplicate finder: if you have used pc you sufficiently long. you menyibukan with assortedly file double. like graphics files, . doc files, media files, etc files and you startled with file total quantity. this is bot only throw away place in hard menyk you, but also make file livelihood whom you want to be difficulter. this tool will look for you are file duplicate and wipe off not you require. aim at hard menyk you and in folder whom you want, and he will walk as you will want.

11. wise menyk cleaner pc: you memilki many undesirable files, like temporary file internet, file logarithm, index file, and back up file? this very will load space to memory you. wise menyk cleaner can look for this file for you, and wipe off what want you are erase. you can choose to permanently wipe off it or put it in recycle bin.

12. adblock pros pc: you full of junk? such also his matter is with internet, if follow you are advertisement junk. if you bukanpenggemar advertisement, you can easily kill it with adblock pros. shareware in the amount 20 this work better compared with ie 7 pop up blocker.

13. r-wipe and clean: without the knowledge you, pc keep history about your activity. he has sejarh about web whom you visit, rss feed you, download, program whom you run, file whom you open and still many again. program in the amount 29 this can clean it for you, so that pc you can work quicker.

14. expired cookies cleaner: your computer chockablock cookie web place ever you visit. cookie actually has aim, that is to do automatic logarithm each time you open a web. but oftentimes cookie be out of date, and they are permanent stays in pc you. this tool will look for cookie that long and soon wipe off it.

15. hackcleaner: this free goods can do good task like to clean junk from pc, belong cookies, temporary file internet, internet toolbar, and others. he also can be used to free louvre to part from hard menyk to increase performance pc.

16. wise registry cleaner: more older pc you, more and more junk bertumpuk there. program that written less perfect doesn't clean registry sewaktu you clean them. more and more junk at registry, more uglyer your computer performance. this free program does job good to clean junk at registry you.

17. registry commander: registry commander make activity meng-edit registry be easier. but careful towards this activity, bot give a dam with tool what you do it, registry can have consequences fatal.

18. auslogics registry defrag: although windows registry you clean relative, your computer performance may be will still long. this matter is caused by hard menyk you -fragment every time. this free tool presents to finish existing troubleshoot. he will decry size from registry you and also increase efiktivitas from defragmentasi you.

19. driver sweeper: you diligent meng-update your system. theoretically your system is on condition baiknya and walk with high-speed. but there a little problem: if you not menyingkiran driver old you well, sitem becoming not stable, longer-running, and crash. driver sweeper there to overcome this matter. he will do sweeping to your system, find driver long you, and let you throw away it. and for security, he also mem-back up. so you can me-restore when later you want it.

20. localcooling: tool one this will not make pc you cleaner, but certain it will make cleaner world. this free tool will save electricity use from pc you, will so pc you will give contribution slimmer towards global heating.


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