Black Hat SEO

with technique use black hat seo, visitor a site can jump up tall.
effective manner but not ethical.
principal matter for you that has site or blog many visitors visits site/blog you.
when is visitor crowded visit site/blog you so site/blog you be famous,
mean more proneer advertisement. internet user majority gets address site/blog
pass search engine like: google, yahoo. so get sequence highest in livelihood search engine above all.

therefore known term search engine optimization (seo), seo basically a technics
algorithm to laid a a site/blog mengurutan highest from livelihood result at search engine
aim to scoop up many visitors, his manner is many begins from do metatag until add konten
unique into a site/blog.

seo this also known with term spamdexing, this technics use not ethical because use
technics this only only chase to top-rat at search engine, while not yet sure site/blog
present appropriate information with keyword.
risk from this technique use site/blog membanned by search engine.

key stuffing
key stuffing be technique floods a site yard with important words many is looked for by
user search engine, word made in such a manner so that doesn't disturb freshment penungunjung
in visit site/bloga.
there are some technique use manner ini…….

1. invisible keyword.
this technique is most often is used and easiest.
technics this do word colour undercover kunci(keyword), so that be same exactly with
colour site/blog. search engine doesn't see a site/blog based on form visul
but do reading towards source code(html code), then laid as one of [the]
livelihood result.

2. invisibel link
be technique equal but not the same from technics invisible keyword, technics this is melakakukan with
put hyperlink in every character titik(. ) menyitus/blog.


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