Whois in domain

whois facilities at use to see registration a domain that registered. this facilities can at meet at several company hosting and or they are that give this service peculiarly and of course free (example: whois. sc, whois. net etc)

everything found in whois?
when shall we do whois a domain so we see 4 matters usually there in whois:

1. administrative contact
owner side domain that has right up to deadline (expires date) that as described. they are as described at wa point this has otorisas to do update towards domain like renew, transfer etc).

2 technical contact
side at delegate by owner domain to managed technical server name from a name domain. usually domain2 at register all at once order hosting at yahoo. com as described technical contact domain from side yahoo. com (also several company other)

3. billing contact
side that do payment, and or get claim from domain at register.

4. name server
where domain at address server name (ns1 and ns2)

in most cases, point 1,2,3 enough at contents by 1 name. although doesn't close possibility masing2 at delegate in pihak2 other.

well besides fourth our the mentioned also can detect status domain. there are some status in domain you:

1. active
domain in position aktiv and can at do all change by owner domain transfer the example, push etc.

2. registrar-lock
domain in position aktiv but by owner domain with security reason at lock so that can not at make a change property domain.

3. registrar-hold
domain at erase and can at register to return during 37 - 82 days to the fore. not all status registrar-hold at erases because still to make possible long owner to prolongs domain they.

4. redemptionperiod
domain at erase and can at register to return during 31 days to the fore.

5. pendingdelete
domain at erase and can at register to return during 6 days to the fore.

6. registry-lock
domain in position aktiv but by side regitrar with security reason at lock so that can not at make a change property domain (usually at lock by side registry because reason fraud etc)

7. pending-restore
domain will return in position aktiv after at will lengthen by previous owner.


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