Software Proteksi File Di USB Flash Disk

It is a small and extremely fast encryption utility that uses Blowfish encryption algorithm in CBC mode. It is easy to use and support multiple files drag-and-drop. In addition, it is portable, you can put it on your USB memory stick and run it anywhere you go! Very useful for users who want to keep their document secure on their computer or transfer over Internet using unsecure channel.

It uses a 128-bits key that is the MD5 message-digest of user password.

Important Notes

The utility will encrypt the file you specified. The file will be replaced with the encrypted version and no backup copy will be made. As such, please ensure that you have key in your intended password correctly, else the file will be lost forever.
Implementation Notes

For implementors wishing to write software compatible with this utility, the following notes are provided.

In the Blowfish CBC mode, plain text is encrypted in units of 64 bits (8 bytes, also called a block). To ensure that the plain text file is encrypted correctly, the utility will (internally) append from 1 to 8 bytes, the last byte containing an integer stating how many bytes of that final block are from the plain text file, and encrypt the resulting block. Hence, when decrypting, the last block may contain from 0 to 7 characters present in the plain text file, and the last byte tells how many. Note that if during decryption the last byte of the file does not contain an integer between 0 and 7, either the file has been corrupted or an incorrect key has been given.

This implementation uses a 128-bits key that are computed from the MD5 message-digest of the password entered by the user. In addition, it always uses an initialization vector of 0 (that is, all zeroes).


Cara Menggunakan:
1. Klik pcrypt.exe untuk menjalankan program
2. Masukan password [terserah anda] untuk masuk ke program pcrypt.
3. Klik Menu Encrypt untuk memproteksi file
- Pilih file kemudian masukan password [terserah anda] yang akan digunakan, lalu klik OK.
4.Klik menu Decrypt untuk membuka password file yang terproteksi
- Pilih file kemudian pilih file yang akan dibuka passwordnya, lalu klik OK.


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