Publik Speaking

Ways to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

The idea of giving a speech before an audience always brings about a certain degree of anxiety even to those who consider themselves dauntless. If you feel a flutter of butterflies up your tummy every time you are asked to deliver a public speech, there is no need to worry. You are in good company. Public speaking is part of life. We need to communicate in order to understand and be understood. It is one of several ways that human beings can reach out to one another. It is a determinant for success or failure of a culture.

Whether in the workplace, a family gathering, or a social convention, no one is exempted from giving a speech. Your technical knowledge and personal points of view are very much needed in society. You need to learn how to convey them through language; otherwise, they become useless and insignificant.

What we do not know can create fear within us. Ignorance causes apprehension and panic. That is the reason why we feel nervous at giving a public speech. You are probably not used to giving out speeches in front of larger audience. The fact that you are unsure of what will transpire during the entire speech, creates an agonizing dread over the task.

Your best line of attack, therefore, is preparation. You are assigned a specific topic, which they assume is under your expertise. Be glad and prove to them that you truly are the expert on that topic. Conduct a thorough research on the most relevant issues that you need to cover. Organize them like a well-developed thesis.

Practice makes perfect. Yes, we know but correct practice makes you even better. Ask someone close to you, a friend or a family member, to listen to your speech. Solicit feedbacks and they will provide you with honest ones. Listen to them and embrace their criticisms but you have the final say. You are the expert; you make the final decisions.

On the day of your speech, after all the preparations and practices you have made, you will discover that the butterflies are still present. Do not panic. It is a natural physiological reaction to the task on hand. Your body is trying to prepare itself for a seemingly arduous undertaking so that once you are on stage, it becomes extremely easy. You will realize that everything just flows smoothly.

Public speaking is one daunting task. It is up to you to channel your anxiety towards something that will eventually lead to victory. The best thing about it is that there is something you can do.


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