Nine Steps to
Nine Steps to a Stress-Free World
Stress is an everyday thing for most people.
According to studies, stress is necessary for normal body functions. It is a body reaction to external and internal forces that are deemed threatening or challenging. When confronted with physical or emotional events, stress is the way by which your body copes up with such event.
Stress is one of the hardest things that man finds difficult to handle. Here are some helpful tips that will help you combat stress:
Evaluate the stressful situation. Stress is greatly reduced if you will just reassess the situation and point out the positive side of that situation. Research shows that having a sense of humor and seeing the good rather than the bad effects of the situation reduces the effects of stress.
Seek out information about the stressful situation. Lack of information contributes to the stressful situation. Keeping yourself informed is important in dealing with stress.
Do things that you enjoy. Developing a certain hobby, singing your favorite song, or playing your favorite sports can work wonders as far as reducing stress is concerned.
Learn to set aside problems. Personal and professional lives do not mix. So as much as possible, do not bring work problems at home and vice versa. It will only add more stress to the situation.
Take a break or vacation. When you realize that stress is starting to creep in to your system, get out of your chair and pause for a while. Count from one to ten, do some stretching, or take a deep breath. Then resume your work.
Learn to relax. There are many ways that you can do to practice relaxation. Go to a quiet place, sit or lie comfortably, and close your eyes. You can also use some helpful techniques such as listening to music, relaxing your muscles, or meditation.
Retrain your reactions. As soon as you have relaxed, use images to break the emotional reactions influenced by the pressures you frequently experience.
Manage your environment. Stress often results from your failure to take control of your environment. As much as possible, initiate steps to deal with your environment. Schedule your appointments. Give yourself enough time so that you will not always be in a hurry with your meetings. Set your priorities and stick to it. Move to a new task only when you have completed another.
Slow down. People who always rush often feel the stress. Learn to take it easy. Walk and talk slowly. This will help you reduce your impatience and thereby minimize stress.
Practice these steps and you experience a considerable reduction in your level of stress!