Discovering the Hidden Intelligences In Your Childs

What is on your mind if you hear the words “smart children “? Generally, people will think that smart is fast in reaction, number one in their class, creative, able to solve the problem. You are free to choose an opinion or association in “smart children”. However, majority the opinion of “smart” is more associated in intellectual ability, which measured by IQ tests or grades which written in school’s report. With this point of view which almost exist in the frame of mind of parents and teacher, so finally will raise the group of genius, smart, medium, and idiot. Now anyone of you which not offended if your child to be said idiot or dumb ?
Parents should not worry if their child does not have a good grade in their school. However, almost majority parents will become anxious if their hear from their child’s teacher that their child is “different” or “abnormal” because of their child’s hyperactivity. Since IQ test invented almost a hundred years ago, people always see intelligence as something that one and only which brought since born and will not change in someone‘s life. Dr. Howard Gardner and partners in Harvard University have made the experience as long as about twenty years, found that each child was born is ”smart child”. They found that there are several kinds of intelligence that cannot measured by IQ test standard. Gardner defined the intelligence as the ability to solve problem and create some product, which have culture’s value. Watching the tailor making the pattern for sewing, or another work, give the better model about the way of intelligence’s work than the result of any test. In his book “The Theory of Mind”, Gardner said that child’s intelligence is various and not limited in the ability of reading, writing, and accounting like most people believe. Gardner also said that the intelligence is mostly still hid, for this reason if we not success in dig it, found it, consequently this intelligence will not appear.
In general, intelligence is correlated in nerve function which exist in human’s brain. In his book, Gardner said that at least there are eight intelligences group knot which from those knot, will have branches which various and specific. First, there is mathematical-logical intelligence. People with this kind of intelligence become mathematicians, scientists, or engineers. Second, there is linguistic intelligence are good at language, so they become poets and writers. We are familiar with these first two kinds of intelligence, but five other kinds are not so familiar. There are spatial and musical kinds of intelligence. Spatial intelligence is necessary for architects and artists, and musical intelligence is necessary for musicians. Fifth, there is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Athletes, actors, and dancers have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. The last two kinds of intelligence are interpersonal and intrapersonal. People with these two kinds of personal intelligence manage people well, so they become leaders of society. In short, there is more than one way to be smart.


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