Optimalisasi Windows XP

in place you, may be many people that can meng- program installs. but i am slimmest sure so that understands and want to realize art from install process so that produce pc optimal.
often we meet, computer sekelas pentium iv still said slow.

while done various efforts for memory increase and increase prosesor. but permanent, still there are some process that assumed slow.
with setting next, you can juggle pentium iii as soon as pentium iv.

spaces that we shall touch:

1. system properties
2. system configuration
3. registry

1. system properties

information full space about name and owner organization. you can open it with click right in icon mykomputer and choose properties. or can also with button start + pause break.

there are some secret that we shall destroy in system properties this, so that produce installasi optimal. follow step next:

1. click right in icon mycomputer and choose properties. or can also with button start + pause break.
2. click menu system restore, ascertain you click turn off system restore on all drives.

this very good for will chase away one of [the] virus propagation manner.
3. then click advanced.
found 3 menus settings at under it.

click to setting first and ascertain you choose adjust for best performance. continue with click apply. wait a few moments, and windows display will turn classic. display can we are fox appropriate our willing later.
furthermore click advanced, and click change to change virtual memory.

(virtual memory space that memory shadow to help performance memory original usually we mention louvre. virtual memory this will ask room from harddisk.
in sub menu custome size, found column initial size. fill in column with minimal number 2 louvre total times whom you pair.

your for example turns on louvre 128 mb, so column contents with minimal total 256. and in column next contents with 2 x first column. don't forget to click set. click ok and ok again so that return to system properties beginning.
now, click menu settings third, you will see two number containing columns 30. number fox be 3. then throw away sign ceklis (v) in automatically restart.
click ok after finished.
enclosing system properties with click ok

from result tinkerred with a while ago, windows display asa very boring. all completely classic, impressing not windows xp.

don't worry, that just display that can we are fox every moment. its way:

1. click right at empty space in area desktop and choose properties so that appear dialog box menyplay properties
2. click menu themes, then in column themes membawahnya, click arrow sign (pop up) and choose windows xp.

if previous chosen windows xp, so choose formerly themes other, then click arrow again and choose windows xp. this done to fish windows display xp truthfully.
3. click apply and see the result.
4. furthermore click menu desktop, look at at part under. there found sub menu customize desktop, click menu.
5. in dialog box display next, ascertain you throw away sign ceklis (v) in run desktop cleanup every 60 days.

this done to avoid windows automatic abolition towards icons that assumed insignificant, while follow us still of vital importance.
6. click ok and ok again to close menyplay properties

2. system configuration

please, don't be dizzy formerly …

space next that we are operation system configuration. look at step next:

1. click start choose run and type msconfig then ok or direct press enter
2. menderetan part menu on, at right end found menu startup. click menu.
3. see to part under, found name suite with each has sign ceklis (v).

names program indication that always will walk when new windows first time will come up. and if we let sign ceklis, so windows a little slow when first time process will loading.

1. throw away sign ceklis in program name that assumed unnecessary to displayed when start up. then click apply
2. click ok to close system configuration and click restart.
3. drink coffee, eat snack, or pesen fried rice to wait your computer restart.

after computer restart and return to room desktop, you are startle with dialog box appearance of course english-speaking. j

direct click little box to gives ceklis in don’t show this massage …. . , (and so on) then click ok. so box a while ago will not appear again when is windows new restart.

3. registry

registry windows administrator space. out enter it program install always melapor beforehand to registry.

will follow merectory found at registry that we shall destroy j:

1. hkey_classes_root
2. hkey_current_user
3. hkey_local_machine
4. hkey_users
5. hkey_current_config

whew, terms apapula that? …. . deluge … j

we shall touch part a and b. follow step next:

1. click start choose run and type regedit, click ok or direct press enter
2. click sign plus () in hkey_current_user
3. click sign plus () in control panel
4. click sign plus () in desktop

(look at window right side on course desktop. found suite string enough vertiginous and of course english-speaking. j. look for and find menushowdelay. if meet, click twice and the value fox from 400 be 0, then click ok)
5. now is returning to window left side
6. under merectory desktop found sub merectory windowsmetrics. click sub merectory and look at window right side.
7. look for and find minanimate, click twice in value and the value fox is 1, click ok.

now enclosing registry with button alt + f4 or with click cross sign (x) membagian on right window.

restart your computer and see the result.


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